The machines are based on the Wheezy release of Debian GNU/Linux amd64.
This page lists the available software. There will also be online documentation for C, C++ and Java available (but of course no internet access). The offline version of is also available. If you have any questions or requests please contact
Compilation Options
All programs will run with a 2,5GB memory limit. Because of JVM overhead, a little more than 1700MB of heap space is available to Java programs.
- C:
gcc -g -Wall -O2 -std=gnu99 -static -pipe -o $DEST "$@" -lm
- C++:
g++ -g -Wall -O2 -std=gnu++98 -static -pipe -o $DEST "$@"
- C++11:
g++ -g -Wall -O2 -std=c++11 -static -pipe -o $DEST "$@"
- Java compilation:
javac -encoding UTF-8 -d . "$@"
Java runtime:java -Xrs -Xss8m -Xmx1721440k $MAINCLASS
There will be aliases available on the system in the format of 'mygcc', 'myg++', 'myg11', 'myjavac' and 'myjava'.
Window managers
- GNOME 2.30 (default)
- KDE Plasma 4.4
- Xfce 4.6
- GCC 4.7.2 (C, C++, C++11)
- Java OpenJDK 7u3
- OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.1.2) (7u3-2.1.2-2)
- OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)
- Emacs 23.4.1
- Vim 7.3
- Eclipse 3.8.0 with CDT 8.1.0
- Netbeans 7.0.1
- Nano 2.2.6
- Kate 3.8.4
- Gedit 3.4.2
- Geany 1.22
- KWrite 4.8.3
- KDevelop 4.3.1
- Sublime Text 2.0.1 (located in /opt)
- Konsole 2.8.4
- Make 3.81
- CMake 2.8.9
- gdb 7.4.1
- kdbg 2.5.1
- Valgrind 3.7.0
- kcachegrind 0.7kde
- cachegrind 3.7.0
- Python 2.7.3rc2 (not as a submission language!)
- Perl 5.14.2 (not as a submission language!)
- git
- screen 4.01.00devel